1-5-2010 The Day in Review
Senator Chris Dodd announces that he will announce that he will not seek reelection.
Stanford Research Fellow Peter Beck [estimates](http://online.wsj.com/article/SB20001424052748704340304574635180086832934.html) it would cost $2 trillion to $5 trillion dollars to reunify North and South Korea.David Brooks pours some bitter tea.
Google unveils its iPhone rival, the blandly named Nexus One.
Bin Laden is revealed to be, what, not a nice guy!?
Outed: Florida Republican Party Chairman Jim Greer was cramping the dapper Charlie Crist’s style.
Male Prostitution becomes legal in Nevada.
Phi Beta Cons’ Jane Shaw questions the New York Times‘ take on Teach For America.
Key-Money-Ha (that’s how it’s pronounced, right?) released her first album.
Most successful breeding season! 12 macaroni penguin chicks born at the San Diego Wild Animal Park.
Long Form Journalism of the day:
Jim Manzi’s “Keeping America’s Edge”
The Gipper’s first wife, Jane Wyman, was born on January 5, 1917. The Academy Award-winning actress died in 2007, and still holds the title of the only woman to be an ex-wife of an American president.