3-2-2010 The Day in Review

Jerry Brown, ca. 1974
Jerry Brown makes it official and [announces](http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2010/03/02/its-official-but-no-surprise-jerry-brown-announces-another-run/?nl=us&emc=politicsemailema3) he will run in the California gubernatorial race. A win would make him the [oldest](http://www.jerrybrown.org/record) governor elected in the state’s history.

Alex Massie is not thrilled with Hillary Clinton’s stance on the Falklands.

Corruption-related pressures force Rangel out of his Ways and Means chairmanship.

Bret Stephens credits Milton Friedman’s reforms during the Pinochet era with saving Chile from catastrophe.

SLAC confirms the age of the Universe at 13.75 billion years, give or take 170 million. Good to know, we suppose.

Jonah Lehrer chronicles how the human mind can be self-defeating, and his own struggle with insomnia.

Prof. Douglas Rivers appears in a Times of London article about how Obama destroyed his first year in office.

Pres. Obama elaborates on his education policies.

Roger Cohen thinks that the EU’s financial troubles have no Alexander Hamilton-style savior on the horizon. Finance Prof. Darrell Duffie adds his two cents in an LA Times article.

In book news, GSB Prof. Chip Heath has a new one on how to change, and instructor at the Stanford Prevention Research Center Kelly McGonigal has written a book on the health benefits of yoga.

Patrick Hruby finds the worst banners in sports arenas.

Stanford study says that a government-private industry partnership toward cutting salt intake could save thousands of lives.

Tesla moves into its new Palo Alto headquarters.

A Stanford Law Prof. faces a defamation suit brought by a former student who alleges he warned employers to stay away from her.

A handy guide to starting your very own nuclear program.

French authorities arrest former Rwandan first lady Agathe Habyarimana.

Samuel Arbesman gets all counterintuitive (he says Pittsburgh is booming) and explains how your perception of reality is altered by mesofacts. And there’s a website.

Charles Bowden reports on US-Mexico border policy, saying that when its history is written, “It will require a Marxist — Groucho, not Karl.”

Scott Adams of Dilbert fame ruminates on the fine line between craziness and discipline.

As it turns out, chivalry is rather time sensitive.

Jonathan Chait sheds a single tear at Harold Ford’s decision to not seek the New York Senate seat.

Tom Conlon says that Internet Explorer 6 remains popular because it makes distracting sites difficult to use at work.

Texas A&M-Commerce football coach is proud of his players for stealing newspapers that implicated some players in a prior drug bust.


New York Magazine profiles Rupert Murdoch.


In 1962, Wilt Chamberlain set the (still standing) single-game scoring record in an NBA game with 100 points.

A birth? A birth! For what it’s worth, Dr. Seuss was born in 1904.

John Wesley, the founder of Methodism died in 1791 at the age of 81.