5-31-2010 Memorial Day Weekend in Review

A Young Dennis Hopper
Rush Limbaugh [to tie the knot](http://www.page2live.com/2010/05/27/rush-limbaugh-to-marry-galpal-kathryn-rogers-next-week-in-palm-beach/) (again). Sorry, single ladies. He can’t be yours.

Deadly raid on a Palestinian flotilla leaves at least nine dead.

Roger Ebert remembers Dennis Hopper, who died on Sunday.

Oil spill still spilling. David Brooks weighs the pros and cons.

Provost Etchemendy releases the 2011 budget.

Michael Lewis urges Wall Street to embrace reform.

Phyllis Korkki advises you to learn how to sell yourself.

Stanford grads’ new iPad app, Pulse is out. Apparently college students could teach you what it does.

Gretchen Morgenson bemoans the limits of the coming financial regulation.

Orlando Patterson views Jamaica’s violent democracy as a sign of things to come.

Daniel Larison cautions against conservatives telling President Obama to do more.

Joel Wing worries about the Iraqi diaspora.

Mike Konczal is uneasy about the future of online education.

Alberto Alesina makes the case that fiscal austerity is not necessarily political suicide.

Happy Memorial Day, everybody.


Bill Simmons introduces America to New Jersey Nets owner and Russian multibillionaire Mikhail Prokhorov. Michael Idov of New York Magazine double dips on the topic.

"Eastwood at the time only had two facial expressions: one with the hat, and one without it" -Sergio Leone

The last Model T Ford rolled off the line in 1927 after a run of 15,007,003 vehicles.

Clint Eastwood was born in 1930.

Adolf Eichmann was hung in Israel in 1962.