*Each week Fiat Lux takes a look at the happenings on the campuses of other universities and brings them to readers free of charge. However, because of the recent break, the “writers” of other college newspapers have not resumed their duties.  Outside of the random college sports article from Cal or the Ivies describing the failures of their athletic teams, there is little to report on.*Because Stanford’s break is awkwardly place in relation to its “elite” counterpart universities, todays Round-Up focuses on article picked up by the Huffington Post.

This morning, the Huffington Post ran an article citing data that shows that community-college graduates earn more than graduates of traditional four-year colleges.  Based on 2009 employment data from the state of Florida, as originally reported in the Miami Herald,community college graduates earn $47,708 in their first year of employment compared to $44,558 for private school graduates and $36,552 for public school graduates. Both articles note that the wage difference is probably due to the vocational-focus of community-colleges, proving that it is not only the liberal arts majors at Stanford that are wasting their time.

Tune in next week for a full round-up of the “important” events that take place on college campuses nationwide following their return from Winter Break.