PBS Takes On George P. Schultz

[![](http://blog.stanfordreview.org/content/images/2010/07/gp1.jpg "gp")](http://blog.stanfordreview.org/content/images/2010/07/gp1.jpg)
The secret to his success? It’s all in the matching vest.
P.B.S. stations across the country just wrapped a 3-part, 3-hour documentary on former Secretary of State, current Hoover Fellow and long-time friend of the *Review*, George P. Schultz.
The documentary, titled “[Turmoil and Triumph: The George Schutlz Years](http://www.turmoilandtriumph.org/)” traced Schult’z career from MIT and UChicago professor to Nixon and Reagan official.
The film is particularly complimentary of Schultz’s public service, featuring rave interviews from Colin Powell, Gorbachev and Condi Rice, but also prompting some criticism from the like of the *New York Times (jeez, [twice !](http://www.nytimes.com/2010/07/04/magazine/04fob-q4-t.html))*.    If you missed it, the film is available for [purchase ](http://www.turmoilandtriumph.org/buy/).