[![](/content/images/George.jpg "George")](http://stanfordreview.org/article/preaching-in-prison/george/)
Honestly, I could not pass up this opportunity.
Hilarity never ceases to ensue with our political elite: [Fox Chicago reported](http://www.myfoxchicago.com/dpp/news/metro/rod_blagojevich/fox-chicago-news-exclusive-rod-blagojevich-life-prison-sam-adam-junior-senior-washing-pots-teaching-shakespeare-20120422) Monday that Rod Blagojevich will be teaching Shakespeare to fellow inmates in prison! Okay, so it’s not really preaching anything, but the idea struck me as incredibly interesting. I would like to think that this follows a recent trend of introducing unconventional subjects in educating  inmates, as described in [this Ted Talk](http://www.ted.com/talks/damon_horowitz_philosophy_in_prison.html) about teaching philosophy in prison.

Rod Blagojevich is the former Governor of Illinois, who was impeached for corruption charges in 2009, and convicted in 2011 to 14 years of jail-time.