Senate Endorsement 2010: Showly Wang
**Name two goals that you will have accomplished by the end of your Senate term. **
More “user-friendly” appropriations process: This means having all pertinent information easily accessible for student group financial officers (FOs) and more communication from the committee to publicize efforts like office hours, various precedents, and changes in policy. If both the committee and FOs work to build better, effective relationships, student life can be significantly enhanced.
Ethics reform and improving credibility: There needs to be accountability if a senator is to be paid for a position they hold. Payment should not be made until after the duties are done and done well. Senators should hold each other accountable by more closely monitoring their colleagues’ work.
**Which two current ASSU initiatives or programs would you push to eliminate? **
The Wellness Room, though it has good intentions, does not alleviate real mental health and wellness issues. These issues would be better served through more professional endeavors. Funding that goes into the Wellness Room should be used to support the campus groups and mental health initiatives that are more than just symbolic entities.
ASSU initiatives that promote “student fun” are commendable but some activities like Valentine’s Day Matchmaker and Spring Break Vegas Trip are frivolous especially when these kinds of activities can take up a lot of funding and energy but don’t benefit the majority of the student body.
Notable Issue Positions:
Appropriations Policy:
A thriving campus community is my main priority. Diverse student groups are integral to this but with that in mind, funding should be allocated according to the benefit that each group brings to the student body as a whole. There are implications to consider in the face of the practices of this year’s Appropriations Committee, the most important being the future sustainability of these groups if they were to be more generously funded today. The top priority is to ensure that student groups will continue to flourish into the future. Adhering to a budget now is necessary to achieve this.
National and International Issues:
The ASSU’s purpose is to enrich student life and that includes catering to various outside interests and issues that affect student life, so long as they do not divide the Stanford community. There are certain issues such as humanitarian aid that for the most part the student body collectively agrees upon, and the Senate should work for those initiatives. However, issues regarding political views, religion, social values, etc. can possibly create controversy within the student body. It is the Senate’s responsibility to tread carefully and not take a stance in support of one side when such support detracts from a cohesive student body.