Smoke Signals for Issue 3
**UP: Snowchella. **It might not be the desert in April, but three live bands playing outdoors at Sigma Nu breathe new life into the campus social scene. SAL should be paying attention to the benefits of such events.
SIDEWAYS: The Stanford Daily. This week, The Stanford Daily enters its new volume. We wish them the best, and hope the Daily’s new leadership answers questions raised in these pages about their finances to the rest of the university.
**UP: Toby Gerhart. ** Did you know that during his killer football season in the fall, Toby was also taking 21 units? Now that he’s stopped out for the quarter for training to go pro, the extra effort then seems worth it.
UP: Roe v. Wade Memorial. Stanford Students for Life’s decision to have religion-neutral grave markers in their White Plaza display makes the pro-life position more accessible.
**DOWN: Midterms. ** It’s that point in the quarter. Hang in there; hopefully all of our social lives pick up soon.
UP: Tom Campbell. Since dropping out of the race for California Governor to run for Senator, the former Stanford law professor, Stanford congressman, and Milton Friedman disciple leads polls for the Republican nomination, including former Hewlett Packard CEO and Stanford alumna Carly Fiorina ‘76.
SIDEWAYS: State of the Union. President Obama tries to rally the masses, but, in the words of Politico, his address demonstrated “downsized ambitions for a downsized presidency.” Virginia Gov. Bob McDonnell, offering a basic but short rebuttal, improves over last year’s Republican response.
DOWN: The iPad. Apple released its much anticipated tablet, but a continuing relationship with AT&T, lack of multi-tasking support, and missing camera / phone capabilities led many to question Job’s assertion that it was “the most important thing I’ve ever done.”