Just over 11 hours remain in this year’s ASSU elections, and now over 4,500 ballots have been cast. According to last year’s vote totals, that means that about 82% of the vote has now come in.

Based on those numbers, a few quick conjectures:

  • Voting will probably not be up substantially this year. For slates relying on large voter turnout, such as Peacock/Bakke (who will need a very substantial grad turnout to take the Exec race), this is not good news.
  • However, we should note that this total does not include paper ballots. We have received no indication of how large that total will be, so projections could be totally off.
  • If paper vote totals are not high, then voting may actually be slightly down this year (with voting dropping off extremely quickly, an additional 1000+ votes may be beyond reach). Based on casual observation of voting tables, paper voting did not seem particularly popular. Did anyone have different observations?

Also interesting is a graph that EC Slack included that showed patterns of voting. Slack’s comment summed it up:

Apparently Stanford students do sleep!