Vol. XLIV, Issue 9 of the Stanford Review
Another issue of the Stanford Review, with great articles as always. What’s up this time?
John Leganski and Ed Negiar assess the Gobaud era.
Percia Safar tracks the divestment bill in (and out of) the ASSU Senate.
The Editorial Board disapproves of Campaign Restore Hope.
Charlie Capps corrects some misconceptions about sex and religion.
Kyle O’Malley goes to Genderfük.
Men’s volleyball wins the title.
Hilary Stone reports from SUES.
Catherine Lowell finds that Stanford housing has gone green.
Steve Flory is sick of the hidden fees.
Sustainability tries to sneak into the curriculum.
Jean Paul Blanchard figures out the new draw system.
Kyle Huwa highlights a course on the Obama presidency.
All this and much more in the latest issue.