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1-17-2010 The Weekend in Review

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![]( "Trouble In Paradise?")
Trouble In Paradise? Yeah, trouble in paradise

Presidents Clinton and Bush form Haiti Fund.

Moldy Tylenol recalled.

More attention is brought on Elizabeth Edwards. Does she want it? Silda Spitzer might say yes.

Tina Fey has the best quotation of Sunday’s rainy Golden Globes: “It’s just God crying for NBC.”

New York Times Chairman Arthur “Pennypincher” Sulzberger, Jr. appears ready to announce the move to a metered, pay-for-read system for the online version of the newspaper.

Prof. James Fishkin at the Center for Deliberative Democracy says most (barely) Michigan residents support a tax increase.

Remember how China upset Google by hacking their program to spy on human rights advocates and others? Well, one of them was a Stanford student. Financial Times notes that there has been a feeding frenzy in’s final uncensored days.

Public universities are increasingly providing scholarship money for wealthy students.

Harbaugh turns down Buffalo Bills.

Patricia Cohen ruminates on why professors are so often liberal. Her answer: typecasting

The New Republic’s Bradford Plumer rounds up some bizarre restrictions in gated communities.

Felix Salmon blasts Malcolm Gladwell’s latest (subscription only). James Kwak piles on.

David Gibson argues standards for papal sainthood are getting too low.

The best things in life: free?

Featured Article:

Christopher Hitchens wonders what has caused the once-brilliant Gore Vidal to lose his marbles. It’s a little mean.

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Don't Let the Door Hit Your Epaulets on the Way Out...

January 15th: Martin Luther King, Jr. born in 1929. Rent and watch Boycott! You won’t regret it.

Volunteer opportunities for MLK Day: For techies. For everyone: MLK Day of Service in Santa Clara. More opportunities here.

On January 16, 1979 the Shah of Iran flees with his family to Egypt.

Michelle Obama turns 46 on January 17th.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.