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![John Edwards: Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God](
John Edwards: Sinner in the Hands of an Angry God
The [Surpreme Court votes 5-4]( to allow corporations to continue [spending]( on candidate elections.

John Edwards admits to being the father of Rielle Hunter’s child. He apologies to his 2-yr-old daughter for claiming he was not the father. National Enquirer to submit their coverage of the Edwards scandal for the Pulitzer Prize (no joke). In other news, SIG finally removed the photo of John Edwards from their homepage (should’ve screen-shotted that while we had the chance).

YouTube partners with Sundance to provide rental movies ($4 for 48 hrs of viewing).

What the world seems to be missing is a cohort of conservative, male nurses who moonlight as professors.

Stanford study finds that calorie-posting at Starbucks is not a bad idea.

New wait-time regulations for California HMOs: 10 days max wait to get an appointment, 48 hour cap to wait for urgent care (48 hours?! We’ll bleed to death before then!)

Three aid groups–Save the Children, British Red Cross, and World Vision–call for halt on hasty Haitian adoptions for fear of misidentifying orphaned children for children with missing parents.

Children of gay parents speak up about wanting rights for their families.

Science never stops surprising, does it? Apparently salt and that stuff used to cut cocaine are (am I reading this right?) bad for you? Whaaa?

Obama says his Middle East policy was too ambitious. Jimmy Carter’s National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski is impressed though.

Virgina G overnor Bob McDonnell chosen to deliver Republican response to Obama’s State of the Union address.

Soldiers, step right up and get your Bible verse removal kit.

President Hennessy talks about how green we’re going, even citing the sometimes-maligned Y2E2.

On the plus side, there’s the guidance and vision. On the minus side, there’s the pacifism and eugenics. Theresa Johnson weighs Stanford’s first president’s legacy.

Amanda Ripley reports on the interview process, selection criteria, work and effectiveness of Teach for America volunteers while asking “What Makes a Great Teacher”?

R.I.P. Air America Radio, 2004-2010.

Fallows does some painful math for the Democrats.

Simon Johnson says the answer for the Dems is to go after the banks.

Jonah Lehrer writes on how music affects the brain.

The internets are scary. But here’s how to select the picture that will help you find true love on them (with charts!)

Hugo Chavez’s cronies allege Obama is responsible for the Haitian earthquake. Seriously.

Uh, Mini Daddy


Foreign Affairs looks into its crystal ball to find “The Four Megatrends That Will Change The World.”

![]( "Alger Hiss Testifies")
Alger Hiss Testifies

Alger Hiss is convicted of perjury in 1950.

1824:  Stonewall Jackson is born. Ostensibly the kids at SJ High celebrated.

Vladimir Lenin died today in 1924 of brain syphilis.  Embalming fun began the next day.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.