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![Obama speaks before Congress]( "Obama speaks before Congress")
Obama speaks before Congress
President Obama [delivers]( his first State of the Union address. See the play-by-play [here]( See how much Alito enjoyed what he heard [here]( A Stanford freshman, and rock lover was [invited](

Gov. Bob McDonnell delivers the Republican SOTU response and improves on Bobby Jindal‘s performance last year. Harder things have been done.

Survivors commemorate the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. President Obama reflects on this important day before his speech–these are important remarks to keep in mind before the Westboro Church comes to campus.

Apple releases the questionably-named iPad.

“Why can’t John Travolta just text HAITI to 90999 like the rest of us?”, wonders one person sufficiently creeped-out by Scientology and Travolta’s impending trip to Haiti.

Exempted again! Stanford will not have to adhere to Santa Clara County underage drinking regulations.

John Edwards is a really, really big jerk (who still has really nice hair)! His former aide, the “unbelievably loyal patsy” Andrew Young, tells all.

California’s high-speed rail plans are on.

The Toyota recall is extended to Europe. GM & Ford bask in an extreme case of schadenfreude.

Jessica Grose weighs the believability of Bristol Palin’s as an abstinence campaigner.

Ta-Nehisi Coates compares Harold Ford, Jr. to George Wallace.

Small change–a nickel–leads to big change: the success of the DC plastic bag tax as a model for climate change initiatives.

Fareed Zakaria calls independents the “vast middle ground.” John Sides says independents make up 10% of the country, at most, you idiot!

Hank Paulson prays a lot, complains of Obama cold shoulder. Oh, and defends the bailout.

Andrew Sullivan laments the government for ignoring the “hideous criminality” of Gitmo and wonders if the Geneva Conventions even count for anything anymore.

Worst virtual reality game ever?

The San Jose Mercury News adds a story to our coverage of the Westboro Baptist Church’s upcoming visit.

We’re in the money! Stanford to receive $2.45 million in bowl earnings.

Did Stanford scientists find a way to remove the controversy from stem cell research?

Study: Don’t trust old people with money.


Ben McGrath chronicles the rise of the Tea Party movement.


Howard Zinn, the ultra-Liberal icon, political activist, teacher and author, died today at age 87. Zinn published his revisionist history, A People’s History of the United States, in 1980. He was active in the civil rights movement, serving on the executive committee of the powerful Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in the 1950’s. Zinn was also active in the anti-war movement of the 1960’s, and never, ever lost his taste for a good protest.

![]( "Young Roberts Breaks it Down: Supreme Court-style!")
Young Roberts Breaks it Down: Supreme Court-style!
Today is the 43rd anniversary of the the [Apollo 1]( disaster. One would hope the rocket scientists over at NASA could make a [better tribute website than this](, for goodness sake.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts (1955) and Keith Olbermann (1959) wish each other their birthday best.
