Table of Contents
Study: Labels decrease calorie intake
A pair of Stanford studies find charter schools to be effective
Noting the Iranian regime’s loosening grip, Stanford Prof. of Iranian Studies Abbas Milani believes that the regime is using prostitutes and petty criminals to fill its pro-government rallies.
Is it going to be easier to announce which Democrats are not skipping re-election bids? Ritter and Dorgan join Dodd.
David Frum absolutely eviscerates Jennifer Rubin’s Commentary essay explaining “Why Jews Hate Palin.”
The New Republic‘s Jonathan Chait claims that Jim Manzi accidentally made the case for social democracy in yesterday’s long-form journalism of the day. Manzi differs.
Peter Hitchens unloads on the British National Party.
But seriously…What is the deal with Ke$ha?
Early returns on Google’s Nexus One yield a critical consensus: Meh. And the Blade Runner guy’s estate is suing you.
Long-form journalism:
Mark Leibovitch assesses Marco Rubio’s “Tea Party” challenge to establishment candidate Charlie Crist in the 2010 Florida Republican Senate Primary.
In 1920, Sun Myung Moon, founder and leader of the Unification Church, founder of The Washington Times, and self-proclaimed second coming of Jesus Christ, born in Japanese ruled northern Korea.
In 1919, Theodore Roosevelt, the 26th President of the United States of America, died.