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2-15-2010 The (Long) Weekend in Review

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[![]( "High Five the Tan Guy")](
VP Biden Prepares to Slap Former VP Cheney?
The Mercury News [points out]( that the ownership of Da Hookah Spot on University Ave. has been transfered  to Bulos Zumot’s brother David since Bulos is in jail on [murder and arson charges](

Stanford to open Census analysis center.

Harvard economist Greg Mankiw says President Obama’s budget “fails to return the federal government to manageable budget deficits.”

Stanford study: hiring husband/wife tandems to professorial gigs is on the rise.

Vice Presidential showdown as Joe Biden and Dick Cheney have some friendly disagreements on national security policy.

Douthat tackles the two parties’ different definitions of bipartisanship.

Austrian millionaire is giving away his fortune. Good luck with that.

The NY Times looks into the fundraising powerhouse that is the Congressional Black Caucus.

Obama’s got executive powers, and he’s going to use them. But on what exactly?

Finding love, the economical way.

Palo Alto Online profiles Stanford a cappella group Talisman.

Stanford-developed camera honored with mission of being flung into space.

Stanford faculty can in fact get some satisfaction.

John Edwards’ chief sycophant Andrew Young’s book is out.

There will be no Kennedys in Congress for the first time in over 50 years.

Law School Prof. Joan Petersilla calls one of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger’s prison proposals “totally silly.”

File under At least our politicians don’t do that: Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and ex-Foreign Ministers Joschka Fischer are working as rival oil lobbyists.

Otmar Issing argues that Europe cannot afford to bail out Greece. The Economist seconds.

Goldman Sachs has evidently been helping European governments hide their debts, which will apparently lead to a special European audit.

Peter Diamandis makes the case for privatizing outer space.

Tablet looks at how Flynt Leverett became “Iran’s Man In Washington”

Dominique Moisi says the demographics are not favorable to the Western world, going forward.

Walter Russell Mead says the problem with the American church is that it has too much stuff.

Scott Adams (of Dilbert fame) thinks the problem with the economy is that too much of it is defective crap.

Mark Steyn sees the tea partiers as a distinctly American phenomenon.

When it comes to polls, wording matters.


A long feature looks at a battle over textbooks in Texas and asks how Christian the Founders were.

[![]( "AMG")](
American Gothic, by Grant Wood

Bill Clinton acquitted at his impeachment trial in 1999, YouTube launches in the United States in 2005.

Puritan minister Cotton Mather born Feb. 12, 1663, painter Grant Wood born Feb. 13, 1891.

Puritan minister Cotton Mather died Feb. 13, 1728, painter Grant Wood died Feb. 12, 1942.
