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2-21-2010 The Weekend in Review

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Miss Chinatown USA 2010: Stanford freshman Crystal Lee!
Stanford freshman and Trancos resident Crystal Lee was crowned [Miss Chinatown USA 2010]( last night at San Francisco’s Palace of Fine Arts.

It’s El Niño vs. Hugo Chavez, and much to the detriment of the country of Venezuela, the weather is winning. (Hat Tip to F.A.B.C. for the link)

Gordon Brown is mean! Or is the National Bullying Hotline just a “Tory front group“!?

Now that’s a Bubbe! Holocaust survivor Yitta Schwartz is remembered.

Stanford P.hD student Yichao Wang died tragically after being struck by a car while he was biking across the intersection of Palm Drive and Museum Way. Donations to help cover his family’s immense medical bills for Wang’s hospital care can be made to

Glenn Beck enters to CPAC to the roar of Eye of the Tiger as his intro music, and then proudly proclaims that progressivism is cancerous. Also, Ron Paul sweeps CPAC’s presidential straw poll.

Evan Bayh explains why is he leaving our “dysfunctional” Congress. NR’s Duncan Currie has another explanation.

The winners of the National Review Institute’s 2010 Challenge are announced.

The boobs must go, says Apple.

The Wall Street Journal’s Olympic Coverage is actually hilarious. No, but really. It is.

NIH paves way for embryonic stem-cell research.

Paul Ryan is asked lots of questions on cheese. And a few on healthcare, too.

Good news in rhino recovery efforts! Baby on the way!

In other animal kingdom news, New York’s oldest dog goes to heaven.

Celebrities. They’re so beautiful. Even Jeff Bridges.

While on chalet-arrest, the Berlin International Film Festival’s newly-minted best director, Roman Polanski, speaks snippily.

Stanford will host a seminar next Wednesday to help clear up confusion about the new guidelines on cancer-screening for women.

American skier Bode Miller redeems himself by winning Gold in Vancouver.

Punch that time card! Hourly workers are happier than salaried ones, says a new Stanford study. Also, unclear as to what the connection between this study and a 2-1-1 hotline is? We are too.

Government-mandated calorie counting: how do some Californians like it?

EPA unveils H.O.M.E.S. restoration plan.


The Weekly Standard’s Matt Labash reports on Father Rick Frechette and relief efforts in Haiti.


![Frederick Douglass](
Frederick Douglass
Reagan’s Secretary of State and chief of staff during the Nixon administration, [Alexander Haig](, died Saturday at age 85.

Alexander Hamilton’s murderer, and former Vice President of the United States, Aaron Burr is arrested in Alabama on February 19th, 1807 and convicted of treason for attempting to establish his own monarchy in the Western United States. That wasn’t very patriotic of him!

February 20th, 1920: Roy Cohn is born in New York City.

The more beautiful Cindy Crawford (1966) and the more grungy Kurt Cobain (1967) also share a birthday with Mr. Cohn.

On February 21st, 1895, abolitionist Frederick Douglass “dropped dead in the hallway of his residence on Anacostia Heights…at 7 o’clock. He had been in the highest spirits, and apparently in the best of health, despite his seventy-eight years, when death overtook him,” according to his obituary.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.