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Carlos Slim
Stanford to [consider]( selling $1.2 billion in bonds.

Carlos Slim unseats Bill Gates as the world’s richest man. Gates to console himself by hiring a Stanford scientist to defeat global warming.

Stanford researchers could be on the cusp of improving LED technology.

Up to half of food aid sent to Somalia is diverted away from the needy toward more nefarious sources.

Pakistani legislators take the opportunity to get indignant over airport screenings.

Mark your calendars. The next Big Game has been rescheduled.

Robert Halderman, extorter of David Letterman will serve six months in prison.

Maureen Dowd writes about her failed attempt to visit holy sites in Saudi Arabia.

Thomas Friedman thinks the ball is in the Iraqis’ court.

Richard Ablin argues against the prostate cancer test.

Free Exchange asks if America is going to lose its position as the world’s preeminent superpower, and if it really matters.

Sean Penn suggests that journalists who call Hugo Chavez a dictator be sent off to prison.

Derek Thompson examines food subsidies.

I’m sorry, but what??

Ta-Nehisi Coates finds a rarely mentioned pitfall of interracial dating.

The Cove –> The (Whale Meat) Sting.

Conor Friedersdorf objects to the use of ideological terms as weapons.

Good news, New Yorkers, you may be (forcibly) switching to a salt-free diet.

WGN news honcho decides to ban a whole bunch of phrases.

Dave Bry apologizes for his pants. And also for being high.

Bloomberg to try its hand at fantasy sports.

Do you like when people die?

John Kay defends regret.

Scientific American looks into what it means for something to be taboo.

William Easterly compares the awarding of Best Picture with financial aid programs.


Michael Wolff of Vanity Fair examines David Cameron’s British revival of compassionate conservatism.

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Louisiana Purchase Picture

Louisiana Purchase Party! Today in 1804 a formal ceremony was conducted in St. Louis, MO to officially confer the transfer of the Louisiana Territory.

Alfred Peet, founder of Peet’s Coffee, was born today in 1920. He taught Gordon Bowker, who started Starbucks, everything he knew about roastin’ beans.

Harriett Tubman died today in 1913; Zelda Fitzgerald, wife of F. Scott, died today in 1948.
