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The House passed the Senate's healthcare bill
The House of Representatives [passes]( the health care reform bill. Check [this cool map]( to see how your congressman voted.

Alan Reynolds questions Health Care costs; Yuval Levin questions the constitutionality.

Jonathan Chait believes bill will seal Obama’s place in history.

Public majority opposed to health care bill.

On another note, Stanford womens’ basketball keeps advancing.

Viral videos factor into California politics.

Can coal be cleaner than wind and solar energy?

Bernanke plans to increase regulation of “too big to fail” firms.

Who knew? Major changes for student loans tucked away in the Reconciliation bill.

States now pulling income taxes from out-of-staters.

Google offers lucrative high-speed internet to winning cities.

Jason Rezaian advocates a unique proposal: start trading with Iran.

Jacob Weisberg discusses a drift between Israel and liberal American Jews.

Sara Scribner defends libraries.

Could Rosie O’Donnell replace Oprah?

Stanford Students play role in time wasting study.

Human-translation is still needed, according to David Bellos.

Albert Einstein
For just $250, you too can [wear]( the tattered, faded jeans that Shawn White wore in the Olympics.

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Stephen Mauzy believes that Libertarians are doing it all wrong.


In 1905, Albert Einstein first publishes the theory of relativity.

Rosie O’Donnell was born in 1962.

Dean Martin’s son, Dean Paul Martin, died on this day (1987).
