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Hillary Clinton speaks at AIPAC
Commentators [go back and forth]( about Secretary of State Clinton’s speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

Google follows through on its threat to leave China after an earlier hacking incident.

Republicans respond to the passage of the health care bill with legal challenges and a nod to secession.

Mark Halperin of Timesays that Republicans will fail if they run against the health care bill. Josh Marshall at the Talking Points Memo says that at the very least this will be disastrous for Romney.

Clive Crook of the Financial Timeswarns that it may be Obama who suffers. Bill Bennett of the National Review Online angrily agrees.

President Hamid Karzai meets with an insurgent group for the first time to discuss a peace agreement.

The Art Handling Olympics begins (and ends). One task involved taping together a box and moving it around a block…with a shot of whiskey and some dumplings partway through.

A Stanford engineer professor, Hector Garcia-Molina, is named one of the top Hispanics in the technology field by Hispanic Engineer & Information Technology.

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Niall Ferguson writes in Foreign Affairs about how America may be closer to the “precipice” of empire-collapse than might otherwise be suspected.


In 1775, Patrick Henry delivers his “Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death” speech in Virginia.

The Strategic Defense Initiative (aka “Star Wars”) is first proposed in 1983.

Paul J. Cohen, a Fields medal recipient for mathematical discoveries in the field of set theory dies in 2007.
