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[![]( "Crocodile Mummies")](
Seriously, Crocodile Mummies
Former Secy. of Defense William Perry to [argue]( at tomorrow’s ROTC reports to the Faculty Senate.

Obama pushes for a vote on healthcare. If you’re sick (NPI) of this issue, you probably can’t take solace in the sentence where it says Democrats think Obama’s timetable to pass the bill “within weeks” is overambitious. But reconciliation may be happening.

Two words: crocodile mummies.

Jonathan Bernstein voted way too much today.

Rick Perry wins Texas’ Republican gubernatorial primary, defeating Kay Bailey Hutchison.

Stanford researcher claim a genetic test can tell you what kind of diet will help you lose weight.

Hank Paulson could use a break. Or could it be that he has something in common with Cam’ron?

As it turns out jogging is not bad for your knees. Science to apologize shortly for getting that one wrong.

Slate’s Mickey Kaus throws his hat into the ring, and declares his candidacy in the California Democratic primary.

Kids are adorable!

Google conquers Topeka, Kansas.

MySpace–what a disaster.

A hella good idea for honoring the glory of northern California.

A Lathrop, CA woman gave up her job so that another one could have it. That was nice. The economy, less so.

The push begins anew to get Ronald Reagan’s handsome mug on some cash.

Man steals $3.99 of cheese, receives reasonable 7 year prison sentence.

John Edwards will likely be indicted, the most trusted name in news reports. Gawker hones in on one specific part of the story.

Geert Wilders’ anti-immigration party appears poised to make big gains in the Netherlands. Mark Steyn is gleeful.


Noam Schreiber profiles Rahm Emanuel.

[![]( "Alexander_Graham_Bell")](
Call Me. Just Dial 1.

In 1845, Florida is admitted as the 27th state.

Inventor Alexander Graham Bell born in 1847. He paved the way for this.

Actor and funnyman Lou Costello died in 1959. He never did find out who was on first.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.