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[![]( "Angela Merkel")](
Angela Merkel
Noticeably [tense]( German Chancellor Angela Merkel to [visit]( Stanford.

Stanford women’s basketball advances to the national championship game.

A.O. Scott ponders the future of criticism.

The New York Times’ Public Editor blasts the paper for bowing to an authoritarian regime.

Labor showdown at the Stanford hospital.

Palo Alto asks Stanford to pony up for a new police building.

Important Stanford study finds that Victorian women enjoyed sex.

Theodore Dalrymple compares self-esteem and self-respect.

The problem with bashing the census.

The Economist offers a tepid approval of the direction of the economy.

Clay Shirky ruminates on how institutions can be self-destructive.

Andrew Sullivan flags another alarming child rape case from the Catholic Church.

Jonathan Bernstein opines on the limits of spin.

Steve Clemons notes the lack of access granted to opposition reporters at the White House.

Tony Lee lauds Mitch Daniels.

Marijuana legalization appears to be coming California way.

Former Secy. of Labor Robert Reich objects to the Federal Reserve.


Luke Dittrich profiles the fastest man alive, Usain Bolt.


Microsoft is founded in 1975.

Marguerite Ann Johnson (better known as Maya Angelou) was born in 1928. David Blaine was born in 1973… or was he?

Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed in Memphis, Tennessee in 1968.
