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[![]( "dec08_greece")](
Protests in Greece
Bob Herbert [highlights]( an organization that seems to be having some success stopping inner city violence.

After the bailout, Roger Cohen spreads the blame for Europe’s recent troubles.

David Brooks is disappointed with Elena Kagan’s lack of ambition. Andrew Sullivan has similar qualms.

Stanford researchers show the limitations of brain scans.

Birds and dinosaurs are related. Small world.

Patrick Ruffini is not sanguine about proportional representation.

Bryan Caplan has an idea for decreasing prison rapes.

Women’s basketball guard JJ Hones was dismissed for violating team rules.

Jonah Goldberg sees nothing wrong with Robert Bennett’s ouster.

Elijah Sweete doubts Elena Kagan would be the first gay justice (if she is gay, that is).


David Horowitz absolutely unloads on Cornel West.

[![]( "the_persistence_of_memory_1931_salvador_dali")](
I'd Stop the World and Melt with You

The first contraceptive pill is made available on the market in 1960.

Painter Salvador Dali was born in 1904.

British spy for the Soviets Kim Philby died in 1988.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.