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[![]( "Screen_shot_2010-05-07_at_7.20.03_PM_610x351")](
Cigarettes, Stanford Style
Mark Sanford has learned his lesson is [visiting]( with his Argentine lover in Florida.

Stanford researchers are getting closer to curing hearing loss and deafness.

Less productively, Stanford alums have invented a fancy new cigarette.

The GOP is gaining.

Sol Wachtler defends the constitutional rights of accused terrorists.

Stanford Scientists learn how people with Williams Syndrome’s brains deal with faces.

Doug Glanville notes the increasingly political nature of professional athletes.

Stanford scientists bemoan the political attacks on global warming research.

Marc Ambinder sees the Republican Party loosening up on gay rights.

Jonathan Bernstein reports on what’s left the news.

Tyler Cowen does not care for stories.

Malcolm Gladwell makes some pithy statements.

Obamacare to cost more than expected.

Scott Adams has faith in engineers.

Alex Pollack sees a tie between bureaucracy and tyranny.

Caleb Howe hates Roger Ebert. Adrian Chen gasps.

Bill Kristol tells us to keep an eye on Jeff Sessions’ amendment today.


James Fallows explains how the news industry can be saved.

[![]( "stevie-wonder-songs-in-the-key-of-life")](
Songs in the Key of Life

In 1846, the United States declared war on Mexico.

Stephens Colbert and Wonder were born in 1964 and 1950 respectively.

Gary “Dressed up like a million dollar trooper” Cooper died in 1961.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.