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You Better Hope Not
Jennifer Steinhauer [finds]( the black Republicans running for election.

Charles Murray is unimpressed by standardized tests’ ability to measure charter schools.

James Kwak takes a stab at why kids from elite schools go to Wall Street.

Newsweek to be sold, reports Newsweek.

Stanford Prof. goes undercover to lean about immigration.

Miami New Times reporters bust George Rekers with a gay prostitute.

Jean-Francois Cope defends European laws banning headscarves.

Stanford Profs. break down the Goldman Sachs case.

James Crabtree wonders where Labour went wrong.

Stanford study draws a roadmap to college graduation.

David Weigel backs off his assessment of gay marriage opponents as “bigots.”

Jonathan Chait takes account for the externalities of oil spills.

Michael Barone sees a parallel between Labour’s fall and the Democrats, Daniel Larison does not.

Will Saletan tries to pop the bubble.

Apparently libertarians are more beloved by Democrats than Republicans. Really?

Kathleen Parker turns on the Tea Parties’ purity tests.

Steve Coll has a theory on the Times Square bomber.

A new book chronicles sportswriting, and its sometime battles with snobs.


Tablet reports on some troubling instances of anti-Semitism coming out of Lithuania.

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Happy Cinco de Mayo

Mexican troops held off French forces in the Battle of Puebla in 1862.

Karl Marx was born in 1818.

Napoleon Bonaparte died in 1821.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.