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6-10-2010 The Day in Review (Last One of the Year!)

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The Ayes Have It
The U.N. [approves]( sanctions on Iran. Daniel Larison is [unimpressed](

Edward Tenner celebrates the Xerox machine.

The Pac-10 adds Colorado, and appears poised to add Texas, Texas Tech, Texas A&M, Oklahoma and Oklahoma State.

Alex Pareene reduces the reaction to Tuesday’s primaries.

Conor Friedersdorf hates diamonds.

Want to boycott BP? Good luck.

Stanford task force tries to reduce administrative inefficiencies.

Daniel Byman and Christine Fair are in favor of mocking stupid terrorists.

The Chicago Blackhawks win the Stanley Cup.

Stanford med school to offer a course the chance for its students to test their genome.

Hanna Rosin finds modern society better suited to women, and considers the implications.

Ken Silverstein points out that systemic biases mean voter anger against incumbents may not translate into losses.

Stanford med school to offer a course the chance for its students to test their genome.

Sasha Frere-Jones envisions personal radio (think Pandora) as the future of music.

Sharon LaFraniere exposes some North Korean misery.

Conservatives win big in the Netherlands.

Joel Wing worries about Iraqi politicians overpaying themselves.

The web may not be as free as we like.

Andrew Sullivan wants to means test the elderly.

Matt Yglesias pours cold water on the “hookup culture.”


Stanford economist Paul Romer has a politically incorrect plan to end poverty. Also, the rest of The Atlantic’s Ideas issue is a good read.

Papa John

Dr. Robert Smith took his last drink and founded Alcoholics Anonymous.

John Edwards (and that hair!) was born in 1953.

Alexander the Great died in 323 BC.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.