9-26-2010 Week in Review

Our proud "geek" President (Image via Stanford Report)
President Hennessey [reflects](http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_16179308?source=most_emailed) on his 10th anniversary as our humble leader.

Stanford Football listed in the Top 10 on the AP Poll (#9!!!).

Professors are doling out big bucks to Democrats.

Stanford pushes back against the high-speed rail proposal.

High pressure gas pipeline on Juniperro Serra worries officials.

Bike thefts are rising. Surprise.

Free flue shots coming your way!

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Stanford students protest Proposition 23

[![](http://blog.stanfordreview.org/content/images/2010/09/prop23protest-300x225.jpg)](http://blog.stanfordreview.org/content/images/2010/09/prop23protest.jpg) On Friday students staged a

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It’s Not Just Business. It’s Personal.

California is “ungovernable.” Or so goes the popular meme. To describe the depth of the hole in which the Golden State now finds itself, our

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