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*As Super Tuesday draws near, we feel it is important to discuss the pros and cons of the GOP candidates. Our At-a-Glance profiles cover each major candidate’s positions and background in a concise, objective style, while our individually authored opinions articles delve into specific concerns or approbations. We hope our readers find our primary elections issue helpful! *

Name: Rudolph W. Giuliani

Date/Place of Birth: 5/28/1944; Brooklyn, NY

Marital Status: Married three times, two divorces, two children

Faith: Roman Catholic

Education: B.A. in political science, Manhattan College, 1965; J.D., New York University Law School, 1968

Political Office: Mayor of New York City (R), 1994-2001

Professional Experience: Law clerk (1968); Public prosecutor, United States Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (1970); Chief of the Narcotics Unit (1973); Associate Deputy Attorney General (1975); Private attorney in New York City (1977); Associate Attorney General (1981); U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York (1983); Private Attorney in New York City (1989); founder of a security consulting firm, Giuliani Partners, LLC (2002); member, Iraq Study Group (2006).

Policy Viewpoints:

Economic: After taking over NYC during a fiscal crisis, was able to create a surplus and cut taxes 23 times; restrain Congress’s spending rather than ask people to sacrifice; low taxes, few regulations, control spending.

Social: Notably pro-choice on abortion, pro-gay marriage, and pro-gun control; emphasizes school choice; as mayor, increased cops and incarcerations to lower violent crime by two-thirds; insists on appointing strict constructionist judges.

International: Stay on offensive against Islamic terrorism; keep Guantanamo Bay open; interrogate terrorists legally but aggressively; reauthorize Patriot Act; complete the mission in Iraq by rebuilding and hunting for terrorists; aggressive stand against Iran.

Other: Between 1998 and declaring his presidential candidacy, he campaigned in 45 states on behalf of over 200 Republican candidates for office.

Name: John McCain

Date/Place of Birth: 8/29/36; Coco Solo Air Base, Panama Canal Zone

Status: Married twice, one divorce, seven children (three adopted)

Faith: Baptist (formerly Episcopalian)

Education: B.S. from the US Naval Academy, 1958; National War College, 1973.

Political Office: Congressman (R-AZ 1st), 1983-7; Senator (AZ), 1987-present.

Professional Experience: Served in the US Navy, including in the Senate Liaison Office, retired as a Captain in 1981. He currently chairs the Senate Commerce and Indian Affairs Committees, and is the ranking minority member on the Armed Services Committee. Served with John Kerry on a Senate committee investigating POW/MIAs from Vietnam. Contested the Republican Presidential primary in 2000. Sponsored the McCain/Feingold Campaign Finance Reform Bill.

Policy Viewpoints:

Economic: has promised low taxes, including eliminating the AMT; wants to require a 3/5th majority in Congress to raise taxes; wants to slash Pork from the federal budget, increase transparency and fiscal discipline; a strong proponent of free trade

Social: believes that social issues should be decided by states and the people, not courts: personally pro-life and pro-traditional marriage; advocate of free market solutions to health care problems; long-time advocate of ethics reform in Washington; anti-gun control; pushed for a strong reaction to global warming;

International: supported the Iraq surge from the beginning; would create a global League of Democracy to tackle most pressing global issues, while supporting missile defense and increasing military spending; plans to secure borders and enforce immigration laws, while allowing most illegals in the US to begin the legalization process; supports a temporary worker program

Other: McCain was a POW in Vietnam from 1967-73. He refused an offer to be released early because of his father’s position in the Navy, and endured savage abuse and torture.

Name: Mike Huckabee

Date/Place of Birth: 8/24/55; Hope, AR

Status: Married since 1974 to Janet McCain Huckabee

Faith: Baptist

Education: B.A. magna cum laude (Religion), Ouachita Baptist University, 1975. Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, attended 1975-76.

Political Office: Governor of Arkansas, 1996-2007; Lieutenant Governor of Arkansas, 1993-1996; Chairman of National Governors Association, 2005-2006.

Professional Experience: President of Arkansas Baptist Convention, 1989-1991; Pastor at Texarkana Beech Street Baptist Church, 1986-1992; Director of Communications for Television Evangelist James Robison (1980); Minister at Immanuel Baptist Church in Pine Bluff, Arkansas; Established KBSC television station in Texarkana.

Policy Viewpoints:

Economic: Supports the “FairTax”- a 23% consumption tax and the abolishment of the IRS along with rebates for tax free consumption up to the level of poverty; Left office in Arkansas with $850 million budget surplus.

Social: pro-life; against gay marriage; has stated in debates that he does not believe in evolution; supports displaying Ten Commandments in public schools; supports increase in teacher salaries; supports “Weapons of Mass Instruction” in schools that consist of more funding for science and arts; supports funding abstinence-based sex education; opposes mandated health insurance and universal coverage; has plan for energy independence within ten years.

International: Supports sealing border and punishing employers of illegal immigrants- but also supported giving scholarships to illegal immigrants while Arkansas Governor; supports strong defense spending and keeping combat troops in Iraq.

Other: Lost 110 pounds while Governor of Arkansas; runs marathons; plays guitar for the rock group “Capitol Offense.”

Name: W. Mitt Romney

Date/Place of Birth: 3/12/47; Detroit, MI

Status: Married to high school sweetheart, Ann; five married sons, ten grandchildren

Faith: LDS

Education: B.A. from Brigham Young University, where he was valedictorian in 1971; J.D. (cum laude) & M.B.A. (Baker Scholar, meaning he finished in the top 5% of his class) from Harvard in 1975

Political Office: Governor, (R-MA), 2003-2007

Professional Experience: Business consultant and investment banker involved in making successful the likes of Staples, Brookstone, Domino’s and others; CEO of the 2002 Salt Lake City Winter Olympics; former Chairman, Republican Governors Association; former Co-Chair, National Governor’s Association Homeland Security Committee; Homeland Security Department Advisory Councilman

Policy Viewpoints:

Economic: plans substantial tax breaks for middle class Americans; has promised to tackle earmarks, reform mandates, and decrease government spending; pledges to bring in consultants to rework government; desires large investments in technology and innovation

Social: pro-life; defender of traditional marriage; created plan to give universal non-government healthcare to citizens of Massachusetts; advocate of high standards in education; strict constructionist; supportive of gun rights; wants to establish America’s energy independence

International: plans to increase armed forces by at least 100,000 and raise military defense spending to at least 4% of GDP; continue War on Terror in Iraq and Afghanistan; strengthen moderate Muslims in Middle East; tough on Cuba; demands secure borders and opposed to amnesty for illegal immigrants

Other: Mitt’s real first name is Willard.

Name: Ron Paul

Date/Place of Birth: 8/20/1935; Lake Jackson TX

Status: Still married to his high school sweetheart; five children, eighteen grnadchildren

Faith: Episcopalian

Education: B.S. in biology from Gettysburg College, 1957; M.D. Duke University School of Medicine, 1961

Political Office: Representative (R-TX)

Professional Experience: Served as a physician during the Vietnam war, achieved the rank of captain (1965); residency in ob/gyn (1965-1968); practiced ob/gyn in Lake Jackson, Texas; refused Medicare and Medicaid payments, but worked pro bono and provided discounts for needy patients; representative, elected 1978, 1980, 1982; Libertarian presidential nominee (1988); representative, (1996-present)

**Policy Viewpoints: **

Economic: will decrease government spending; significantly lower taxes; against financing of government debt by foreign governments

Social: pro-life; pro-traditional marriage but against a constitutional amendment; advocate of free market solutions to health care problems; strong opponent of Patriot Act and advocate of personal privacy; advocate of greater education choice; anti-gun control; against eminent domain; would decrease regulations to lead to free-market solutions to energy problems; enforce property rights to maintain environment; improve care for veterans

International: believes the war in Iraq was a mistake, anti-interventionist military policy; border security as a major priority, no welfare for illegals or amnesty, enforce immigration laws, take away birthright citizenship.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.