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FFS Plans To Disrupt Hennessy Address To Demand Divestment

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Fossil Free Stanford (FFS) has announced that it will be assembling on the front steps of Main Quad tomorrow morning to protest Stanford’s decision not to divest from fossil fuels.

In an email sent to FFS followers, the group stated that Stanford, “in blatant disregard of […] calls by the Stanford student body and community, [has] chosen to keep investing in environmental injustice, climate chaos, and the destruction of our future”.

President Hennessy is scheduled tomorrow to be giving an address entitled “What Matters to Me, and Why?” at 11:30am, which FFS plans to disrupt by launching a rally outdoors in Main Quad.

Stanford’s decision not to divest was released yesterday, based on the limited likely social impact of divestment and the positive impacts that investing in clean energy is already having. In a comment piece yesterday, the Review’s Andrew Han commented that the decision might encourage FFS to “evaluate other, perhaps more fruitful, avenues to fight climate change.”

Michael Penuelas, FFS’s public relations correspondent, has been contacted for comment.

This is a breaking story, and we will update it as further information arrives.

