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Flipside Fake Activities Fair

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The emails advertised “free pizza”, “fireworks”, and “free condoms” (might’ve been the SHPRC — it’s unclear), but what the Stanford Flipside actually displayed today in White Plaza was a true stroke of genius.  The Review has praised the Flipside in the past for its weekly satirical publication, and I’m here to do it again. Their fake activities fair captured much of what is absurd and hysterical about this campus.

But now, I’ll let the Flipside speak for its self. See below for photos from the event and check out the Stanford Review Flickr page for a complete set of photos.

The Flipside continued its calls for a White Male Community Center. As I observed, the guy in the pink polo yelled out to a passing biker, “Dude, you’re wearing a backwards hat AND a collared shirt. Get over here!”


No one was representing the Stanford Women in Engineering at today’s fair. Coincidence? The Flipside thinks not.

*I had the opportunity to meet all three of the Resume Building Club’s presidents. They promised me the office of president if I joined the club as well. *

Flipside writer Adam Adler gives an impassioned speech about the rights of LGBTQSCLEIDPSHMCUIOEY on campus. Or something like that.

Turns out they weren’t part of the Flipside set up. They seemed a bit insulted when I asked if AIDS was a joke.

Be sure to check out the complete set of photos that I took on our Flickr page!



Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.