Elections Commissioner Quinn Slack sent a message to all candidates today prohibiting the posting of flyers in several dorms. In the email, Slack wrote “Housing has had to dispatch cleanup crews and will have to repaint some areas.” Housing is prohibiting flyering from certain dorms “since some damage has already occurred.” Whether that means all flyers will be removed or all future flyering will be prohibited is unknown.
[](http://blog.stanfordreview.org/content/images/2010/04/CrothersWall1.jpg)This is a likely spot of paint damage on a wall in Crothers (yet to be confirmed).Those dorms include Crothers, Crothers Memorial, Toyon, Branner, Kimball, Lantana and Castano. Housing claims that groups using packing tape or clear tape have caused the damage. They stated, “Individuals responsible for such damage and clean-up will be charged.” They claim to already have had “problems” with 10 candidates. Groups and candidates who caused the most recent damage will be contacted by University Housing very soon to be notified of their charges.
After scouring the walls of Crothers, only one possible location with damage could be located (see picture at right), but other dorms could have more noticeable and serious damage.
Housing also says they have received complaints about the University flyer policy not being followed. They consequently stressed the University policy that states, “Flyers on building walls, bollards, stop signs and the ground are all against University policy and can result in potential damage.”
[](http://blog.stanfordreview.org/content/images/2010/04/CrothersBoard.jpg)Bulletin board space is filling up.Several dorms have their walls covered with flyers already, but right now it appears that candidates and groups will only run into trouble if their flyers cause damage to the building itself. However, candidates conducting last-minute flyering could face difficulty finding open spaces as much of the bulletin board space has already been taken.
Last night the University removed all flyers placed on the doors of Meyer Library because placing flyers “on walls, doors, or windows of University buildings” is also against University policy.