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Gary Johnson on the State of the Union

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photo credits to USA Today

Gary Johnson, the former Governor of New Mexico and 2012 Libertarian Presidential candidate, said:

Tonight, President Obama will deliver the annual State of the Union address.  With all due respect, I suspect his assessment will be a bit different than ours. (I will be joining John Stossel live in New York on the Fox Business Network during and after the speech — tune in if you can.)

Since last year’s State of the Union speech, the national debt has increased by another $739 billion.  We have learned that our own government has been and continues to be engaged in a level of spying on American citizens that has shocked even the most suspicious among us. And, despite having partially shut the government down and pounding their chests about its size and cost,  the politicians have continued to grow the bureaucracy and its control over our lives.

In short, the “State of the Union” is business-as-usual.  The President won’t say it, but the truth is that both he and the Congress fully intend to just keep spending money we don’t have, intervening in foreign conflicts with no U.S. interest at stake, and taking over more and more of our personal lives — including our health care.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.