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One Way Conversation: Stanford Student Rejuvenation Day

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[![]( "wellness.4k.mb")](
My hands! What happened to my beautiful hands!
Occasionally I get emails. This one was fun, and since it involved our beloved ASSU, I thought I’d respond to it in a public forum. It’s the only polite thing to do. The letter I received is below–bold comments are mine, italics not.

Dear Health and Wellness Leaders,

If I have not already introduced myself to you, my name is Taylor Winfield and I am the new ASSU Health and Wellness Chair. I am eager to collaborate with all of you this year to make Stanford a happier and healthier University.

I am to hoping to plan a “Rejuvenation Day” on Thursday, June 3rd (Dead Day) to help students relax before finals and to remind them to make health and wellness a priority. June 3rd is quickly approaching but I would like to collaborate with wellness organizations around campus to make the event as successful as possible.

My ideas for the day include:

1. Positive reinforcement written on pavement and mirrors around campus (similar to what Project Love did last finals week)

Positive reinforcement is great! But wait: Isn’t pavement a little harsh? And mirrors? Nobody should have to look at those unless they want to.

2. Puppies and kittens in White Plaza

We’re at point number two and we’re already recycling Wellness Week ideas. Ruh roh.

3. Free hugs and mood-boosting messages in White Plaza (perhaps with the puppies!)

In this financial crisis, can we afford to be giving away free hugs? Of course not! We would encourage the ASSU to adopt Fiat Lux’s policy of charging $1.50 per hug. It’s not much, but it sends a positive message about fiscal responsibility. And could be used to raise money for Face AIDSHaiti Greece.

4. Tables set up in White Plaza with literature from campus Health Related resources for people to pursue (Bridge, CAPs, etc)

THAT IS NOT WHAT LITERATURE IS. Macbeth** is literature. War and Peace is literature. **I’m Ok, You’re OK is not literature. Also, I don’t think you can pursue literature (or tables–the message is a tad unclear).

5. Massages and guided Meditation in the Wellness Room

Didn’t David Gobaud respond to criticism of the Wellness Room by saying he wanted to double it? Or was that Mitt Romney about Guantanamo?

6. Movie in the History Corner


7. Open Mic at the CoHo (so students can release their angst!)

Yes! It will definitely be fun to combine the professionalism of open mics with the entertainment factor of uncontrolled emotions in a public space.

8. A shredder in Old Union where people can destroy stressful or negative papers!

**What institution of higher learning doesn’t pride itself on avoiding the harsh judgment of “grades” and “facts?” Those things are such bummers! **

I would love to hear any ideas you have and get feedback on mine! I would like to know which ones you feel would be the most beneficial and feasible.

Please let me know if you are interesting in helping design the day. We would love for your organization to co-sponsor the event by hosting an activity – either one listed above or one of your own!

Thank you for your help and guidance.

I look forward to working with you.

All my best,

Taylor Winfield

ASSU Health and Wellness Chair


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.