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SOCC and SUN Endorsements are Out

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While SOCC’s Senate and Exec endorsements have yet to be officially announced (according to today’s Daily), their candidate’s fliers have been posted to SOCC’s Facebook page. The list is: Kamil Saied, Robin Perani, Daniel Khalessi, Ben Jensen, Michael Cruz, Katie Cromack, Madeline Hawes, Juany Torres, Milton Achelpohl, Rafael Vasquez, Pat Bruny, and Deepa Dannappan. A few things to note:

  • SOCC has endorsed 12 candidates (the same number as SUN).
  • Michael Cruz is a current senator and the only incumbent in the race.
  • Rafael Vasquez and Ben Jensen are second time candidates this year (Vasquez missed getting elected by just one vote last spring).

Students United Now (SUN), a new political coalition on campus, has also unveiled its list of candidates. They include: Percia Safar, Carolyn Simmons, Stewart Macgregor-Dennis, Rebecca Sachs, Showly Wang, Nik Milanovic, Dan Thompson, Rahul Sastry, Will Seaton, Jason Lupatkin, Bennett Siegel, and Edouard Negiar. Check out their website here.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.