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After overwhelming turnout for the Democratic side of the ticket in 2008, thanks largely to President Obama, many students may be changing their political sentiments, albeit slowly. Real Clear Politics recently published an article focused on Stanford graduate students whose political leanings may be changing.
A recent poll conducted by the Stanford Review indicated that approximately 83% of undergraduates on campus voted for Barack Obama in 2008, and only 16% for John McCain. Yet only 57% of those responders currently consider themselves to be Democrats, with 11% Republican and 26% Independent.
But questioning the party leanings of Stanford students is a futile activity if students don’t actually vote, which could be the case. However, if Obama isn’t the reason why many students go to the polls on November 2, then perhaps Proposition 19 will be.
Prop 19 would legalize the possession, production, and sale of marijuana for people over the age of 21. About 8 students showed up in White Plaza on Thursday, Oct. 28 to garner support for the proposition by handing out stickers to passersby.
At least a third of the people going through White Plaza, both on bike and on foot, accepted a sticker from the Prop 19 advocates. Sticker recipients usually seemed to have knowledge of the measure. Of the California respondents to the Review Poll, 88% indicated that they knew of Prop 19.
Support for Prop 19 could drive more students to the polls, but this doesn’t necessarily mean it will help the Democrats. Many independents could vote for Prop 19 but then follow their fiscal libertarian streak in voting for Republican candidates. Perhaps only exit polling will reveal the true effect of Prop 19 and an Obama-less ticket.