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The Review’s Senate Endorsements

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Bennett SIEGEL Carolyn SIMMONS****Showly WANG

From breaking how two ASSU executives spent $13,000 of student funds to exploring the efficiency and cost effectiveness of different programs and initiatives, The Stanford Review stands at the forefront of campus politics. Through our investigative coverage and opinion pieces, we help shape the dialogue that leads to better representation by our leaders, making sure they work for the good of all students. We’ve explored all the ins and outs, and no one knows what it takes to make the ASSU more effective than we do.

We are pleased to urge your support for 9 outstanding candidates for the Undergraduate Senate that share our values for student government: competence, common sense, and good governance. We asked candidates for Senate to fill out an application in which they made commitments over their terms in office and offered their positions on the widest range of campus issues of any endorsing organization. Each member of the Editorial Board then objectively scored each application out of 10 points, and the 9 candidates with the highest combined scores received our endorsement.

Read their responses for yourself: these are the candidates that have what it takes to make sure the Senate wisely spends your money, ensures inclusive programming available to all Stanford students, holds administrators accountable on university policy, and not lose focus and cater toward outside interests. These are the 9 candidates who deserve your vote.

— The Editorial Board


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.