Table of Contents
Dept. of Unpronounceable Geography Presents:
Can’t get enough Eyjafjallajokull news? Come hear Darcy Ogden, the George Thompson Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Geophysics in the School of Earth Sciences discuss “Volcanic Ash and the European Air Travel Crisis.” Get into the lava flow of it tomorrow (yeah? yeah!), Monday, April 26 at 12:00 PM in Hartley Conference Center in the Earth Sciences building.
Indian $ubcontinent Economic$:
Dr. Rafiq Dossani, of Stanford’s Asia-Pacific Research Center, and Mr. Jishnu Bhattacharjee, venture capitalist with Nexus Venture Partners, will discuss the “Rise of Venture Capital Investing in India” on Tuesday, April 27 at 4:15 PM in Skilling Auditorium in the Skilling Building.
History and Its Champions:
Come see Professor Jack Rakove, winner of the Pulitzer Prize for History in 1997, discuss “What Matters to Me and Why” on Wednesday, April 28 at 12:00 PM in the Common Room in the CIRCLE – 3rd Floor Old Union. Perhaps he will wear his Constitutional Convention tie!
Interesting and Unusual:
“Scholars at Risk at Stanford,” a special gathering to increase awareness and interest in institutionalizing a Scholars-at Risk Program at Stanford. Harvard University and NYU already have this type of program, which would bring academics who are in danger in their home nations due to their particular views and writings. The Executive Director of the Scholars-at-Risk Network at NYU will speak, as we ll as a nuber of scholars who have participated in the program. The talk will take place in the Philippines Conference Room on the 3rd floor of Encina Hall Central on Wednesday, April 28 at 12 PM. **Note: RSVP here is required by 4/27 (to get an accurate count for lunch).
Spanish Department The Newly Revamped Department of Iberian and Latin American Cultures Presents:
Joseba Zulaika, Basque Studies professor at the University of Nevada, Reno will speak on “Capote and Atxaga Versus the Counterterrorists: Why Counterterrorism Fails.” The event will be in the CISAC Central Conference Room Encina Hall, 2nd Floor, on Thursday, April 29, at 12:00 PM. **Please RSVP here by 4/28.
I Don’t Care if You Read all Your Books and Newspapers on an iPad, Journalism is Not Dead:
Stanford Law School’s Center of Internet and Society presents “The Future of Journalism: Unpacking the Rhetoric” a conference on April 29 and 30th. Check out the conference schedule here. Highlights include panels with Phil Bronstein of *San Francisco Chronicle *(and former husband of Sharon Stone), John Nichols of The Nation, Josh Cohen of Google News; Alan Murray of *Wall Street Journal *and Professor Joshua Cohen of Stanford, among others. Registration can be found here, though the event is still free and open to the public.