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Vol. XLIV, Issue 4 of The Stanford Review

Table of Contents

The latest from The Stanford Review:

Kyle Huwa reports on budget cuts and student staff downsizing at ResEd. Matt Sprague offers an opinion.

In a *Review *exclusive, Huwa and Rebecca Sachs were the only reporters to cover students on both sides debating Israeli Ambassador to the United States Michael Oren’s appearance at Stanford.

The Editorial Board is not sanguine about the high speed rail.

Jordan Carr reflects on Wellness Week.

How to get involved with the ASSU.

Jean Paul Blanchard finds that students are quite pleased with Prof. Condoleezza Rice’s class.

The ASSU reacts to the deluge of refund requests.

John Leganski looks into why the Row is not Greek anymore, and several fraternities and sororities’ struggles to regain housing.

All this and much much more on newsstands now.
