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What People are Saying About Facebook

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The Naysayers
It’s always amusing to see how the blogosphere and newseratti start lighting up with the most diverse range of concerns when a Valley company decides to go public. When that company is also the world’s largest social network with three times the number of users there are people in the US, things can get interesting. Here’s a selection of the web’s two cents:

1. Why the IPO matters, courtesy Time

2. Why the IPO doesn’t matter, in typical Inc. style

3. The ominous portending of Facebook’s Achilles heel(s), by the optimists at TechCrunch

  1. Why feminists love the IPO a la women2.0

Bonus Read: Why the CIA runs Facebook (hurrah for conspiracy theories. This is old, but entertaining nevertheless.)

More Bonus Points: The Onion’s take on the conspiracy. “The reason we invented the Internet”- CIA

And all the viral infographics of course.



Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.