White Men’s Community Center?!

Now in its second year of existence, the Stanford Flipside is continuing to generate great content. Here are a couple of my favorite items from their most recent issue:

Stanford Opens White Men’s Community Center

After fighting for years, white males will no longer be the only demographic on campus lacking an official community center. Although unofficial white cultural hubs such as the Stanford Crew Team and Sigma Chi have promoted vibrant white cultural communities in the past, student founder John Samson II was quick to point out the gap the community center will fill.

Guy Dressed up as Obama Totally Unqualified to Win Costume Contest


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Economists Tackle Climate Change

At a recent Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR [http://siepr.stanford.edu/]) Policy Forum, speakers addressed the issue of “ Using Economics to Confront

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Chamillionaire Coming to Stanford

Is hip-hop dead [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hip_Hop_Is_Dead]? Or, at least, is the old business plan of going (triple) platinum dead?

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