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On Tuesday, February 25, we will host 45th Wisconsin Governor and 2016 presidential candidate Scott Walker in the Geology Corner Auditorium 320-105 at 7PM (remember, students do not need tickets to attend: just show up). Walker was one of the most successful governors of this decade, turning Wisconsin into a bastion of conservative policies. The success of the state during his tenure -- unemployment dropped from 8% when he took office to 3% when he left -- is living proof that conservative governance works.

Scott Walker has been a public servant since he was 25 years old, serving in the Wisconsin state assembly, as Milwaukee County Executive, and finally as a two-term governor of Wisconsin from 2011-2019. As governor, Walker pursued a bold conservative agenda. Just weeks into his first term, Walker introduced the Budget Control Act to put Wisconsin on a path to fiscal responsibility by finally getting public sector unions under control.

When leftist protestors filled the state capitol grounds, Walker did not balk: he doubled down and pressed forward. He went on to successfully cut spending and taxes, allow workers to choose whether or not to join a union by making Wisconsin a Right to Work state, implement voter ID legislation, and defund Planned Parenthood.

In 2012, he became the first governor in American history to win a recall election, initiated by leftists who were outraged that he didn’t kow-tow to unions, and he was reelected for a second term in 2014.

Wisconsin is not historically deep conservative territory. Many of the statist progressive policies that the left brought nationwide in the twentieth-century began in Wisconsin, which was dubbed the “laboratory of progressivism.” Prior to 2016, a Republican presidential candidate had not won Wisconsin since 1984. Nevertheless, Scott Walker ran and governed on an unapologetically conservative agenda.

He did it because it was the right approach, not the easy one. Yet, he won state-wide three times, proving that conservatives are most successful when we fully embrace conservative ideas. In the words of current Young America’s Foundation President Ron Robinson, “Governor Walker has been one of the most successful and principled governors in American history.”

Since leaving office, Walker has been traveling around the country bringing conservative ideas to college campuses, and in July 2019 he was named YAF President elect.

Walker’s next lecture will be at Stanford on February 25, and the theme will be “Freedom is Better than Socialism!” The topic couldn’t be more pertinent both here at Stanford and nationwide, as noted Marxist Bernie Sanders is now the frontrunner for the Democrat nomination, drawing significant support from college students, including Stanford students -- Sanders won Stanford’s Satellite Iowa Caucus.

Socialism has turned wealthy nations like Venezuela into poverty ridden ones, and stifled innovation and prosperity across Europe. It is no accident that the United States is where nearly all innovation in healthcare, technology, and business have happened over the past century. Socialism is a failed ideology.

During the event, Scott Walker will dismantle the idea that socialism will solve America’s problems and put forward a conservative vision for the future of this country. Most importantly, this event will provide an opportunity for students to engage with and challenge conservative ideas. The second half of the event will be Q&A, and we encourage any student who disagrees with Walker to take advantage of the chance to ask a question.

By bringing conservative ideas to Stanford’s leftist campus, SCR, with the vital support of Young America’s Foundation, has worked over the last three years to turn Stanford into a true marketplace of ideas. Every time, leftist activists work tirelessly to sabotage these events, ripping down our flyers, and harassing and intimidating our members. Our events have been the target of walkouts, stink bombs, and even an attempt to chain, lock, and barricade the doors to the venue.

Nevertheless, our membership only grows and is increasingly emboldened. Our resolve to promote conservatism at Stanford is stronger than ever, and we hope that you will join us for a real discussion of ideas on the 25th!
