Table of Contents
Joshua Green finds some odd behavior from Eric Massa’s time in the Navy.
NCAA brackets come out. Stanford sadly missing.
Austin Bramwell blames suburban sprawl on the state. Matt Yglesias seconds.
Michael Kinsley thinks the gold bugs are on to something, and that inflation is coming because debt matters.
Matt Ridley could not have written a more glowing review about a new book trying to debunk the hockey stick graph, the so-called holy grail of climate change science.
If financial (rather than glacial) meltdowns are more your speed, Felix Salmons calls Michael Lewis’ new book “probably the single best piece of financial journalism ever written.”
Sean Wilentz defends U.S. Grant.
Wendy Kaminer asks if there is a double standard for people who hold anti-gay opinions.
Mikhail Gorbachev toots his own horn.
The Frugal Traveler goes to San Francisco.
The NY Times holds a debate including Hoover’s Herbert Walberg on whether or not school size matter.
David Brooks insists on getting Pres. Obama right.
Michael Klausner tells you what to do if you don’t like the way a company you’ve invested in is spending its money on political candidates.
Joshua Keating gives five instances where the conventional wisdom got it right.
18+ to enter, 21+ to coat your stomach lining with olive oil. Some tips for successful drinking.
National Geographic goes there.
Tom Jacobs looks on the bright side of having an archnemesis.
Rod Dreher bags on some ugly churches.
Jonah Lehrer tries to find out what makes marriages work.
10 things you weren’t wondering about Burkina Faso, but might want to know anyway.
Tom Siegfried is significantly irate about the over reliance on statistical significance.
Ian Chillag sticks it to WGN.
Tim Harford looks into evil auction site Swoopo.
Rob Nixon is dismayed at the lack of nonfiction on the literary curriculum.
Democratic operative Noah Shactman profiles Andrew Breitbart. Michael Walsh, the editor of Breitbart’s Big Journalism called the piece “largely fair.”
In 1900, the United States adopted the gold standard. In 1933, Franklin Roosevelt delivered (contra Joe Biden) his first fireside chat on the radio.
Albert Einstein (1879), Billy Crystal (1948), L. Ron Hubbard (1911), Mitt Romney (1947), and Liza Minnelli (1946) all celebrated their birthdays over the weekend.
Karl Marx (1883), Susan B. Anthony (1906), Clarence Darrow (1938), and John Cazale, who appeared in five movies in his six-year career, all of which were nominated for best picture, died.