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[![]( "slideshow_1421812_HurtLockerCast")](
The Hurt Locker Won Big
*The Hurt Locker* wins big at [the Oscars]( Alessandra Stanley called the show [too long]( Others were simply left with [four hours worth of questions](

Awkward… Companies that have violated American trade sanctions on Iran have received $15 billion from the U.S. government.

Kevin Sulivan cautions against overestimating the ambitions of the green movement.

Dr. Boyce Watkins spoke on the economics of college athletics.

Nate Silver plays oddsmaker with the healthcare bill. Jay Cost gets in on the fun.

Ta-Nehisi Coates weighs the pros and cons of sending his son to a public school.

Stanford polling expert Jon Krosnick suggests scientists may be reading too much into a recent dip in support for action on climate change.

Take that, Turkish relations! House Foreign Affairs Committee votes to condemn Turkish actions against the Armenian people during and after World War I as a genocide. Alex Massie calls out Pres. Obama for hypocrisy on the issue.

Christopher Beam explains what exactly a whip does in the House.

Razib Khan compares being atheist with being gay in America.

How good is your God to you?

Daniel Larison is aghast at a Newsweek cover declaring “Victory at Last.”

Will Wilkinson sees some discrepancies in the left’s objections to free markets.

The New York Times profiles some high profile defectors from the Church of Scientology. For the definitive account, check out the St. Petersburg Times’ three part series herehere, and here.

Swiss voters overthrow a motion for all animals to be granted the right to have an appointed lawyer.

Mitt Romney, on tour promoting his new book entitled (no joke) “No Apology: The Case for American Greatness,” says he won’t decide whether or not to run for president in 2012 until after the November elections.

A four-day school week in public schools? Sounds awesome at first, but even us fun-loving kids are smart enough to realize that less school is a bad idea in the long run.

The creator of ChatRoulette turns out to be a well-meaning 17-year-old Russian computer coder.

A Sunday with the former mayor of San Francisco, Willie Brown.

“Not your mother’s Marines”: female Marines reach out to Afghan women.


Vanity Fair investigates the bizarre culture and the extortion scandal it spawned at Late Night with David Letterman.

[![]( "alan-greenspan")](
Raise Your Hand If It's Your Birthday!

Point, USA: Stalin’s daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva defected to the United States on March 6, 1967.

Funny-men weekend: Lou Costello was born on March 6, 1906, and John Belushi died far too young on March 5, 1982.

Alan Greenspan (1926), Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1927) and Marion Barry (1936) also share March 6th as their collective birthday.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.