Table of Contents
Andrew Martin hates silly bikes.
Longtime Utah Senator Bob Bennett was ousted in the state’s Republican primary.
Markets fluctuate wildly, and suspiciously.
Jim DeMint backs Ron Paul’s son Rand in a Kentucky Senate race.
David Brooks lauds the U.S. Army’s ability to change its thinking.
James Fallows remarks on Newsweek’s economic status.
Stanford visiting scholar Martina Schraudner reveals how to market products to women.
Jad Mouawad chronicles BP’s history of oil spills.
Noah Shachtman wonders whether Google should be fighting terrorism.
The Economist deliberates on Stanford Prof. James Fishkin’s work on deliberative democracy.
Sarah Palin’s Carly Fiorina endorsement appears to be raising some eyebrows.
Attorney General Eric Holder defends Arizona’s immigration law against charges of racism.
Theodore Dalrymple blasts those arrogant Greeks.
Mark Zuckerberg explains poking.
Al Gore Al Gores it up.
Mitchell Shames finds some conflicts of interest at Goldman Sachs.
Abou Farman tells of how John Wayne was a star in his youth, and the art of film dubbing in Iran.
L. Ron Hubbard’s book Dianetics was released in 1950.
Abolitionist John Brown was born in 1800.
Sherpa Tenzing Norgay died in 1986.