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ASSU Executive Websites Are Live

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Both executive slates have recently launched their websites. Standards were high this year after the Stanford 2.0 slate rolled out their sleek design last year.

Stewart Macgregor-Dennis and Druthi Ghanta’s site can be found at Like Stanford 2.0 last year, the site looks stylish. The front page is a bit overwhelming because there is so much information to digest, but the navigation on the top is fairly simple for those who can navigate the front page. As always, the platform section is well-organized and robust.

Macgregor-Dennis/Druthi are using a theme this year that attempts to invoke memories of the successful Stanford Challenge Campaign:

I’m not sure how many students actually knew or followed The Stanford Challenge. Its big day in the news came last quarter when it was reported that the campaign raised $6.23 billion over the course of 5 years. There is no formal connection between the two campaigns, however.

The other website,, belonging to Robbie Zimbroff and Will Wagstaff, looks good as well. It has less information, but its simplicity gains points. The site features easy to use navigation and a shorter campaign platform than The Stanford Student Challenge. Their site is clearly based on a content management system like WordPress, but these can look fairly good.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.