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Faculty Senate Votes to Return ROTC (Aborted Live Blog)

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The ASSU Senate President Michael Cruz, in his speech in front of the Faculty Senate, has officially asked that the Faculty Senate reject the return of ROTC. In his speech, he asks that the Faculty Senate reject the return of ROTC in the name of Stanford’s non-discrimination clause, a stand for transgender rights, and a call for equity.

Other speakers have included Imani Franklin, a student on the ad hoc committee who supported the committee’s report, Professor David Kennedy, and Professor Bill Perry, both of whom called on Stanford to return ROTC. The latest speaker is Professor Gary Segura who is taking a stand against ROTC on the basis of non-discrimination – including the fact that DADT has not yet been officially repealed. Professor David Palumbo-Liu raises concerns about the content of ROTC – that Stanford ROTC should have specific ethical questions in its curriculum – as well as non-discrimination. Professor Eric Roberts also raised questions about the appointment or selection of faculty members – how can Stanford ensure varied opinion if the military services appoint faculty members? He was also concerned about the swing of the pendulum back towards DADT. Professor Steven Block then turned to represent the pro-ROTC side, but with questions about the implementation of ROTC’s return. Professor Scott Sagan and another professor on the committee followed up with a response regarding the standards of ROTC curriculum.

Professor Sylvia Yanagisako raised concern that not all majors are acceptable under a ROTC scholarship. It is unclear from some basic research that any such restrictions exist. Professor Scott Sagan also stated that he is not aware of any such restrictions, but did not reject the amendment. The amendment that she proposed (that all majors be allowed to ROTC students) was passed. (At this point, I needed to leave to attend to ProFros.)

ROTC is passed by the Faculty Senate by a vote of 28-9-3.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.