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The ASSU Executive Debate occurred this evening, featuring the three remaining slates: Macgregor-Dennis/Druthi, Zimbroff/Wagstaff, and Koning/Ameli, the joke Chappie slate. Just a few notable points:

– much of the debate was a back-and-forth between Stewart Macgregor-Dennis and Robbie Zimbroff concerning what the ASSU could be doing and what they’ve already done. Stewart argued that much of the Zimbroff/Wagstaff campaign platform has already been implemented or undertaken, specifically the textbook exchange. Robbie rebutted this fact by reading a statement about the textbook exchange being delayed, but Stewart argued that the system is basically created and just needs to be reimplemented.

– Robbie and William downplayed the need for ASSU experience, as neither of them have any. Stewart and Druthi argued that experience would be a positive for their slate.

–  Stewart noted, in response to a question about student body perception of the ASSU, that the Cruz/Macgregor-Dennis team has taken “a more eclectic, more balanced approach” as the year has progressed.

– Each slate had to give an example “of positive student leadership within student government that you’ve seen in your time at Stanford.” The people each slate named are listed below:

Macgregor-Dennis/Druthi – Michael Cruz
Koning/Ameli – Stewart Macgregor-Dennis
Zimbroff/Wagstaff – Johhny Dorsey and Fagan Harris (past ASSU Executive slate)

– the crowd was less than past years and dwindled as the evening waned. Each slate had its camp of supporters. Current Undergraduate Senator Dan DeLong and others held signs generally targeted at Stewart Macgregor-Dennis. DeLong eventually posed a question about Stewart taking a $10,000 salary. Both slates responded with explanations that the salary would be needed to supplant funds acquired through work that would normally go towards tuition.

In general, the debate suffered from a general lack of interest that seems to pervade the entire ASSU election season this year.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.