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Should I stay or should I go? (Image via
Current Stanford coach Jim Harbaugh [looks like he may be NFL-bound at last](, likely with the San Francisco 49ers. According to the brief article, Harbaugh is meeting with the 49ers about the head coaching vacancy, reportedly with a goal salary of $6 million per year, far more than the $1.25 million that he currently receives and far more than Stanford would offer to keep him at the school. The upshot for Stanford is that at least he won’t be moving laterally to Michigan, where he’s already reportedly rejected a $5.2 million yearly salary. It’s tough to argue with his move to the 49ers – he gets to stay local, but with a bigger audience and a bigger bank account. Not that it wouldn’t be great to keep him on board – he’s done a ton for the program ([did you catch the game?]( – but it seems very unlikely at this point. Hopefully, our recruits will keep coming and we can keep up the momentum that Harbaugh has begun here.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.