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Kappa Sigma Presents: Save the Music Benefit Concert

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Scheduled for December 2nd, Kappa Sigma will host the Save the Music Benefit Concert, raising money for the VH1 Save the Music Foundation.  Founded in 1997, The Save the Music Foundation supports musical education in America’s public schools. To date, the VH1 Save the Music Foundation has donated $45 million dollars worth of musical instruments to children throughout the country who would otherwise be deprived of hands-on musical experience.

On the 2nd, nine acts of student musicians, bands and a cappella groups (including Whale Rider, Colin Casey, Charlie Brown, Everyday People, Talisman, The Sea People, Brad Lawson, Jamaica Osorio, and Stanford Hip-Hop Congress) will perform twenty-minute sets for an evening of musical entertainment that exemplifies the fundamental and far-reaching role that music can play in the lives of people everywhere. We hope that you will join Kappa Sigma at the Old Union Courtyard on December 2nd from 8-11p.m. in its efforts to increase musical education awareness and to help raise money for the VH1 Save the Music Foundation.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.