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Pang/DeLong Drop Out of Exec Race

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Brianna Pang and Dan DeLong decided to drop out of the race for ASSU Executive on Monday of this week. In a statement released to the Stanford Review, they expressed their reasons for departing. Both statements are printed below:

From Brianna Pang:

Dan and I decided that we would exit the race for a number of reasons, and this is a conversation we’ve been considering over the past few weeks. We work incredibly well together in the ASSU Senate, we’re incredibly good friends, and I know we will be able to do an effective job carrying out the rest of our term in the ASSU Senate.

After reflecting together last month, we decided that we would no longer continue in the race for ASSU Executive. We concluded that our senior years would be best spent focusing on academics, pursuing our other extracurricular passions more vigorously, spending time with people we care about, and maintaining our personal wellbeing. We are both excited to contribute to the student body outside of the ASSU next year.  **

From Dan DeLong:

Brianna and I left the Executive race largely because we recognized that, by engaging in this campaign, we would not be able to adequately carry out our existing commitments in the ASSU—especially after we considered our academic coursework, friendships, and the other priorities that I know we both share with other students at Stanford. I know Brianna and I are excited to continue outside of the ASSU next year.


Stanford, What Did You Expect?

Stanford, What Did You Expect?

The rampage in Main Quad and the president’s office was as predictable as it is contemptible. By allowing disorder to fester, the University has earned its humiliation.