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Cardona Appoints Cruz as New ASSU Vice President

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Michael Cruz, new appointee to the position of ASSU Vice President.
ASSU President Angelina Cardona has presented [a bill]( to the ASSU Undergraduate Senate and the Graduate Student Council to make Michael Cruz, current Chair of the ASSU Senate, the ASSU Vice President. This appointment comes in the wake of former ASSU Vice President Kelsei Wharton’s [February 1st resignation]( after he fractured his jaw in a bike accident. In a public statement accompanying the bill, Cardona lauds Cruz for his ASSU involvement and cites his existing integration with the Executive as a key reason for his selection. The full statement is below the jump.

Michael Cruz currently serves as the ASSU Senate Chair, but upon this nomination will step down from his position on the Undergraduate Senate in order to take on the position of ASSU Vice President. Michael is a third year undergraduate majoring in History. He has been a leader in the ASSU for the entirety of his time at Stanford, starting as an ASSU Executive Fellow during his freshman year. His sophomore year he served on the ASSU Senate as the Deputy Chair for the Appropriations Commmittee.

Beyond Cruz’s experience, he is well-integrated into the current ASSU leadership teams, has attended the majority of the Executive Cabinet weekly meetings, regularly attends the weekly Graduate Student Council meetings, and has strong working relationships with the heads of each ASSU body and campus administrators. Due to the amount of time left in the current ASSU term, Cruz’s understanding and established relationships will be an essential component to the quick transition necessary into the role of ASSU Vice President.

The selection of Cruz means a couple of things (pursuant to the approval of the legislative bodies – unless the GSC has some objection, it’ll pass easily). First, it’s a safe choice for Cardona – there are only about two months until the next ASSU election, so appointing an insider makes sense. Cruz is familiar with ongoing initiatives and can easily step into the VP role. Second, it means that current Deputy Chair Madeleine Hawes will step up into the role of Senate Chair: congrats Mad Hawes!

The third and final implication of this selection is for the race for Exec for next year. First, Cruz’s selection as VP in no way imperils his opportunity for running for higher office next year. Even if Cardona were to suddenly resign, his two-month term would be insufficient to disqualify him – only someone who has served for more than four months in the position of President is ineligible from running again. Instead, it may take his candidacy to the level of strong favorite, if only in part because I’ve heard so few rumblings about potential slates for next year, while Cruz’s name has arisen in conversation. Any additional name recognition stemming from his new role will only help his position. To be sure, it’s far too early to be actually making predictions, but this can really only help Cruz, short of any disasters.
